
  • Displaylink Driver Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 12. 05:16
    1. Displaylink Driver Mac El Capitan
    2. Targus Displaylink Driver Mac
    3. Displaylink Driver Download

    Update 9/25/17: The post below relates primarily to macOS Sierra (10.12). Early results using macOS High Sierra (10.13) with DisplayLink drivers v4.0 for Mac have been positive (though as with any new major OS release, some issues are likely to be discovered). We’ll be publishing an article covering High Sierra issues in the coming weeks as we continue to compile testing feedback. Please note: High Sierra (10.13) is not compatible with previous DisplayLink Mac driver versions (3.x and 2.x).

    Please remove any previous DisplayLink driver versions via the DisplayLink uninstaller in your Applications folder prior to installing version 4.0. On September 20, 2016, Apple released a new operating system, macOS Sierra (10.12), and as with all other operating system upgrades while there can be exciting new features, there is also the potential for new issues with existing hardware and software. Update 3/29/17: With the release of Sierra 10.12.4, behavior continues to improve; the blank internal screen at logon bug appears to be fixed or minimized. The remaining issues being tracked by DisplayLink are (with Apple’s Bug ID noted where applicable):. Corrupted window title bar and widgets. To work around, select System Preferences - Accessibility - Display - Reduce transparency (27244226). Screen corruption in Finder when “Displays have separate Spaces” is disabled in the Mission Control system preference.

    (29825934). The window server can crash logging our the user when minimizing applications, for example iTunes (23182216). A few applications can show corruption and/or missing contents while updating windows contents. Examples are Maps, iBooks and the Dock (15319693, 19090583).

    Corruption around window borders for Carbon applications, for example Microsoft Office 2011 (18552488). Black menu bar on DisplayLink screens while mirroring (17703682). Apple menu icon misplaced on DisplayLink screens DisplayLink is still requesting that users file bug reports with Apple to aid in prioritizing these issues. We’re continuing to track the remaining issues and hope Apple chooses to resolve them quickly. If you’re a Plugable user experiencing issues with Sierra and wish to be contacted when we have additional information, please send an email to support@plugable.com and we’ll be glad to provide updates as things develop.

    Update 12/22/16: With the final release of Sierra 10.12.2, two key fixes from the Beta releases have now carried over to full release: Mission Control and other full-screen transitions should no longer trigger a Window Server crash/spontaneous log-out, and windows should no longer appear black when moved to a DisplayLink-attached display. Update 11/21/16: The second Beta of 10.12.2 (build 16C41b) improves behavior even further and appears to fix two key outstanding bugs: Mission Control no longer crashes when DisplayLink is present, and the temporary corruption of window contents (“black window”) on DisplayLink-attached displays is significantly reduced. Update 11/11/16: The first Beta of macOS 10.12.2 appears to offer improved behavior. Early results indicate spontaneous logouts during full-screen transitions have been eliminated or drastically reduced.

    We are hopeful this improved behavior will persist as new Beta versions are released in the coming weeks. The key remaining issue observed in 10.12.2 Beta 1 is some windows turn black when dragged to a DisplayLink-attached displays.

    Clicking or interacting with the window or application generally resolves the behavior. Update 10/26/16: The final release of 10.12.1 appears to have fixed many of the performance-related regressions and graphical glitches found in earlier versions of Sierra. Issues are still present, however, involving full-screen transitions used by various applications such as Mission Control, Itunes, hot corners, and others. Update 10/21/16: After Beta 2, things regressed again. In Beta 5, there are reports of DisplayLink displays not working at all. See for more details.

    Update 9/30/16: Apple’s pre-release update to Sierra (“10.12.1 Beta 2”) improves many of the problematic Sierra behavior outlined below. Please see at the bottom of the page for instructions on how to enroll in Apple’s Beta Software Program. Background With regard to Plugable’s DisplayLink-based USB video adapters and docking stations there’s been a long history of Mac OS upgrades starting with OS X 10.9 causing undesirable behavior, and we have written extensively about these issues over the years: Due to these issues, from OS X 10.9 onward we actually stopped recommending our DisplayLink-based products on Mac for most users. (Though with a few very specific exceptions for certain products such as the UD-ULTCDL Triple Display Docking Station where the lower performance of the second and third displays is less impactful given the uncompromised native-GPU performance of the primary/Alt Mode HDMI output.) Even still, many Mac users felt the benefits of multiple monitors outweighed the various issues related to USB graphics on OS X, and subsequent DisplayLink driver updates had resolved most of the key outstanding bugs while continuing to improve performance. All told, the state of DisplayLink on Mac had improved dramatically over the past year. Sierra Regressions With the latest macOS Sierra (10.12) and the accompanying Sierra-compatible release of we are sad to say that the trend of new macOS versions posing challenges for DisplayLink users continues unabated, and unfortunately there appear to be significant regressions as many bugs previously fixed by DisplayLink have returned. DisplayLink has detailed release notes with the and have also provided a.

    Displaylink Driver Mac

    What a shame, I have been so impressed with the Plugable display links. I have a 2015 MacBook with the USB-C connection and no one knew how to get three monitors hooked up to it. Prior to upgrading to OS Sierra this set-up worked a dream. I have had a 3 screen set-up working fantastically but unfortunately I upgraded and I am running OS Sierra, the 2 additional screens are very slow and frustrating to use. The main screen is still find which is native HDMI but the screens running via the pluggable adaptors are affected.

    Please, please, please release an updated driver to resolve this performance issue. I suffered the same fate as those above. I was extremely happy when I hooked up my 2012 MacBook pro with Displaylink DVIHMI and had 3 monitors working. My happiness was a short lived. I updated my MacBook to Sierra just a few days after I bought my Displaylink and suffered major issues for days until I discovered the problem was the Displaylink. There was considerable time that the manufacturer could have made this problem know to Amazon and other sellers. Now I am stuck with a BRICK Is the customer suppose to make Apple create a remedy.


    Or Is DisplayLink working with Apple for a driver fix?!!! In the meantime the manufacturer should inform their retailers that Sierra does not work with Mac Sierra.

    Displaylink driver mac el capitan

    Gary Zeller. Dear friends at Pugable: I really enjoy using the ud-ultcdl with my MacBook 12″, even though the primary monitor flicks a lot (some times more than other times and can be disruptive – is this normal? It does not happen to the display link port). I currently use one at my home office and was about to buy a second one for my work place, as it is very convenient to just plug and play.

    While I do not need all three monitors, I do use two (the primary – alt mode hdmi – and one of the display link ports – also hdmi). I have not yet upgraded to the latest macOS but will need to do it soon for other reasons. However, I must say that I feel a bit uncomfortable with the regressions and assuming they are not to be resolved by Apple anytime soon, would I still be able to run the primary (alt mode hdmi) monitor alone without any compromise whatsoever? Thanks for your support and attention. Hi Michael, Update 10/26/16 We’ve done some further testing of 10.12.1 (final), and behavior does seem improved compared to the initial Sierra release. Applications such as Mission Control and other functions which utilize full-screen transitions can still be problematic and cause crashes, but overall performance is much improved.

    From our limited testing so far, several of the key issues are still present in 10.12.1 (release/non-beta). Unfortunately with no visibility into Apple’s process, it’s difficult to say if the improved behavior in earlier betas was an attempt to fix these issues, or simply an unintended outcome from other changes they were testing. In the meantime, DisplayLink is still encouraging users to submit bug reports to Apple so they can get a sense of how impactful these issues are. Correct, SK — there is currently no way to connect 3 DisplayPort displays via this Dock.Putting aside the Sierra issues mentioned in this article, our Triple Display Dock supports two HDMI displays, and the third output is a “DVI-I” port which can be converted to VGA or HDMI if needed. None of these ports can be converted to DisplayPort. (It’s a bit confusing, but in brief, DisplayPort outputs can be converted to HDMI and DVI, but the reverse is not true — HDMI and DVI outputs cannot easily/reliably be converted to DisplayPort.).

    Jonathan Gould. Thanks Jonathan. We’re still evaluating the final build of 10.12.2 and putting together a more thorough update to this post (hopefully before the new year). But in brief, some of the remaining major bugs appear solved (spontaneous session log-out caused by the Window Server crashing) while others still remain. (Blank internal display on wake-from-sleep for some users). So, while things are indeed improving, we’re not yet at the point where we can recommend our DisplayLink products on Sierra without reservation. Joe Mailey.

    Hi Gary, the blank internal display most likely isn’t related to your Dock. I’ve had that issue in several versions of MacOS, although its happened more in 10.12 that the previous 10.11. I use a henge dock currently and when I undock the internal display remains black/blank. I’m currently trying to locate a docking solution for 10 New Macbook’s with touch bar that I’ve ordered. I’m looking forward to your updated post, there currently isn’t many docking solutions available for USB-C/Thunderbolt 3. Jonathan Gould. Hi Michael, Thanks for the interest!

    At this point we’re seeing some good progress with DisplayLink compatibility, while also dealing with some regressions with overall USB-C functionality on the new MBP series. 10.12.4 betas seem to improve on existing macOS/DisplayLink bugs, which is certainly great news overall. However, some users are reporting that USB-C docks which used to be stable on previous OS versions are having issues with 10.12.3 and later, and we’re investigating this further. Our product pages should always have the most up-to-date system specific compatibility details: plugable.com/products/ud-ultcdl.

    Adolfo. I am still running OSX 10.10.5 Yosemite on My MB Retina 12″ Early 2015 and it works just fine with two external, one internal and one iPad screen (duet) with the docking station. I am just writing this, because the compatibility charts lists none of the Macbook’s as compatible with the triple display USB-C dock.

    I think instead of focusing on the 10.12.x versions that apparently won’t work, it might be useful to also mention which OSX versions actually do work with the USB-C dock and multiple displays. Seriously there are multiple issues with Windows 8 and 10 so the answer is to stick with 7, same maybe also true for OSX Yosemite.

    Gary Zeller. Thanks Michael — glad to hear things are working well in your setup! Lots of factors in play here, as we’ve had some reports of unexpected behavior beyond just the combination of Sierra + DisplayLink. So as we continue to investigate the issues, we chose to disclaim Mac support with a blanket statement for the time being, as our previous nuanced compatibility approach was causing its own challenges and confusion. Though we do indeed have many users such as yourself having good results with their specific deployment (which is why these issues are difficult to pin down — they certainly don’t affect everyone.) We’ll be continuing to update the compatibility details on our USB-C and Thunderbolt 3 product pages in the weeks and months to come as the compatibility situation continues to evolve.

    Thien Pham. Thanks for posting!

    Unfortunately, we have disclaimed compatibility of our UD-CA1 with the 2016 MacBook Pros and we do out best to call this out on the Amazon and product pages. The fact that things had worked before updating to 10.12.6 is unexpected as we have seen undesirable performance in our test labs and from customers who have tried our dock.

    One workaround that we have found is to connect the Apple power adapter at the same time as having our dock connected and this can improve the performance. We do understand that this workaround may not be ideal for most customers, however. Given that our dock had previously worked, we’d be happy to assist as much as we can. Please reach out to our direct support email at your convenience at with ‘Ticket Number 192415’ in the subject line.

    We’ll match everything up and go from there. Thanks again!.

    AVELINO SANTA ANA JR. MacOS High Sierra (10.13) is showing some promising performance boosts with DisplayLink drivers. DisplayLink has a 4.0.x beta driver which, with High Sierra, gets Metal based hardware acceleration.

    I’ve been using a Plugable 3900 USB 3.0 dock with my Mac laptops for awhile now and updated to the High Sierra public beta with the DisplayLink 4.0.x beta drivers. It’s a huge performance boost on the USB based display. My usually Safari Shake™ test shows a lot huge performance and there are no graphical glitches so far. It’s very nice.

    Gary Zeller. Apple pushed the MacOS Sierra update to my Macbook Pro couple of weeks ago and it broke the seamless plug/unplug from Plugable. After reading this blog, I went ahead and upgraded the driver to DisplayLink Mac Driver Version 4.0 that was recommended here. Unfortunately, this has made matters worse.

    Here’s what I get: HDMI monitor recognizable, but not the DVI monitor. Multiple restarts required to put single monitor back to use At times I had to completely unplug the power cable for the Plugable and wait for more than 5 minutes. A quick fix is extremely important; otherwise this product will not be usable at this state. Thanks, Lawk Salih Global Manager, IT Search for Common Ground.

    Bob Boerner.

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